Nicola D'Agostino (.net) - Articoli, traduzioni, grafica, web

The Notes field in Delicious bookmarks: what you see is what everybody gets

Since the beginning of March 2010 Delicious honors text formatting in the description of bookmarks and shows the content to everybody exactly how the creator intended.

This is the result of the informal poll which took place on Delicious’ forums around the end of January and which I mentioned in “Honoring the formatting of ‘Notes’ on Delicious or not/ what’s you choice?”

The question was whether linebreaks in the Notes field should be displayed when someone else views your bookmarks. The ‘Yes’ camp won but Chris Draycott (part of the Delicious team) warned that the option would be implemented “in an upcoming release”.
It took them almost a month but with “More tasty treats” update, although not mentioned, the new feature is there.

Here are two examples of the formatting in action (an e-mail copy-and-paste and a manual alphabetic list):

In other words; Delicious still filters html tags, code and other special formatting characters or symbols but if you put in the Notes field a text which has linebreak/carriage return not only it will be preserved and shown to you as the owner of the bookmark but it will be also visible to anyone, even if he’s not a user of the site.